Reconditioned item in good condition, where all functionality is intact. Packaging may be damaged or may have been replaced. The item may have minor cosmetic surface defects.
Charcoal filter mod.47 Refurbished - KIT0161384
Dimension | Value |
Depth | 155 mm |
Width | 155 mm |
Height | 50 mm |
Reconditioned item in good condition, where all functionality is intact. Packaging may be damaged or may have been replaced. The item may have minor cosmetic surface defects.
Disposable charcoal filter
The new KIT0161384 filter has been conceived and designed to ensure top performance. Original activated charcoal filters by Elica have been submitted to tests in order to best purify air in your kitchen environment.
Regular replacement of filters is essential for the kitchen hood proper operation and represents an advantage in terms of energy efficiency, ensuring high
performance at the same time. Elica recommends replacing the filters every 3-4 months as well as checking that the Elica logo is on the filter proving that it is an original item .
Regular replacement of the charcoal filter is necessary when the hood is operated in recycling mode Each filter has been designed specifically to maximise the hood air purification capacity.
Reconditioned item in good condition, where all functionality is intact. Packaging may be damaged or may have been replaced. The item may have minor cosmetic surface defects.
The filter KIT0161384 is suitable for Missy and Box In Standard models.
Product code change CFC0131887 - CFC0141497 - F00475 - F00476 - F00478 - F00479 - F00479/1S - FB01WA
Filter mounting instructions
The new KIT0161384 filter has been conceived and designed to ensure top performance. Original activated charcoal filters by Elica have been submitted to tests in order to best purify air in your kitchen environment.
Regular replacement of filters is essential for the kitchen hood proper operation and represents an advantage in terms of energy efficiency, ensuring high
performance at the same time. Elica recommends replacing the filters every 3-4 months as well as checking that the Elica logo is on the filter proving that it is an original item .
Regular replacement of the charcoal filter is necessary when the hood is operated in recycling mode Each filter has been designed specifically to maximise the hood air purification capacity.
Reconditioned item in good condition, where all functionality is intact. Packaging may be damaged or may have been replaced. The item may have minor cosmetic surface defects.
The filter KIT0161384 is suitable for Missy and Box In Standard models.
Product code change CFC0131887 - CFC0141497 - F00475 - F00476 - F00478 - F00479 - F00479/1S - FB01WA
Filter mounting instructions
Data sheet
- Variante Cappa (funzione)
- PRF 68416909 1745563/3 1RUS33AA 1RUS33AA/1 1RUS34AA 1RUS34AA/1 1RUS35AA 1RUS35AA/1 1RUS56AA 1RUS56AA/1 1RUS57AA 1RUS57AA/1 1RUS59AA 1RUS59AA/1 5JET204/1 68415698 68415698A 68415698B 68415698C 68415699 68415699B 68415699C 68416907 68416907/1 68416907/2 68416909/1 68416909/2 68416913 55311129/2 68416921 PRF0004022 PRF0004022A PRF0004022B PRF0004022C PRF0004024 PRF0004024A PRF0004024B PRF0004024C PRF0004740 PRF0004740A PRF0004750 PRF0004750A PRF0008777 PRF0008788 PRF0008797 PRF0009486 PRF0009491 PRF0011347 PRF0011347A PRF0011347B PRF0011372 PRF0011372A PRF0011372B PRF0012410 PRF0012410A PRF0012410B PRF0012410C PRF0012423 PRF0012423A PRF0012423B PRF0012423C PRF0012896 PRF0013069 PRF0013162 PRF0013177 PRF0013719 PRF0013722 PRF0014420 PRF0014420A PRF0014421 PRF0014421A PRF0015038 PRF0015038A PRF0015038B PRF0015038C PRF0015069 PRF0015069A PRF0015125 PRF0015125A PRF0015145 PRF0015145A PRF0020160 PRF0020160A PRF0020163 PRF0020163A PRF0020822 PRF0020822A PRF0020866 PRF0020866A PRF0021805 PRF0021805A PRF0031016 PRF0031016A PRF0041870 PRF0041870A PRF0041870B PRF0041890 PRF0041890A PRF0041890B PRF0041891 PRF0041892 PRF0041898 PRF0041898A PRF0041898B PRF0041899 PRF0041900 PRF0041910 PRF0041912 PRF0041912A PRF0041912B PRF0041930 PRF0041950 PRF0041951 PRF0041952 PRF0041953 PRF0041954 PRF0041954A PRF0041954B PRF0041955 PRF0041955A PRF0041955B PRF0041970 PRF0041970A PRF0041970B PRF0041971 PRF0041971A PRF0041971B PRF0041972 PRF0041973 PRF0041990 PRF0057572A PRF0057572B PRF0057573 PRF0057573A PRF0057573B PRF0057574 PRF0057574A PRF0057574B PRF0057575 PRF0057596 PRF0057597 PRF0067830 PRF0067971 PRF0078631 PRF0078631A PRF0078631B PRF0090469 PRF0090469A PRF0090469B PRF0090470 PRF0090470A PRF0090470B PRF0091761 PRF0091761A PRF0091761B PRF0091763 PRF0091763A PRF0091763B PRF0094084 PRF0094084A PRF0094084B PRF0094167 PRF0094172 PRF0094179 PRF0097112 PRF0097112A PRF0097112B PRF0097119 PRF0097119A PRF0097119B PRF0097129 PRF0097129A PRF0097129B PRF0097577 PRF0097577A PRF0097577B PRF0097589 PRF0097589A PRF0097589B PRF0097602 PRF0097602A PRF0097602B PRF0097776 PRF0097835 PRF0097835A PRF0097835B PRF0097839 PRF0097839A PRF0097839B PRF0097842 PRF0097842A PRF0097842B PRF0098911 PRF0098914 PRF0099378 PRF0099409 PRF0099409A PRF0099409B PRF0099412 PRF0099412A PRF0099412B PRF0099419 PRF0099428 PRF0099434 PRF0099442 PRF0109361 PRF0109376 PRF0112624 PRF0112624A PRF0112624B PRF0112625 PRF0112625A PRF0112625B PRF0112627 PRF0112627A PRF0112627B PRF0112629 PRF0112629A PRF0112629B PRF0112631 PRF0112631A PRF0112631B PRF0116409 PRF0116459 PRF0119537 PRF0119537A PRF0119539 PRF0119539A PRF0119540 PRF0119540A PRF0122319 PRF0122502 PRF0122529 PRF0122541 PRF0123115 PRF0123115A PRF0123167 PRF0123167A PRF0123178 PRF0123178A PRF0123178B PRF0123188 PRF0123188A PRF0123188B PRF0129327 PRF0129327A PRF0129377 PRF0129377A PRF0129391A PRF0130359 PRF0130515 PRF0130515A PRF0130515B PRF0130518 PRF0130518A PRF0130518B PRF0135223 PRF0135223A PRF0135304 PRF0135304A PRF0135321 PRF0135321A PRF0151543 PRF0151544 PRF0154575 PRF0154578 PRF0157827 PRF0157830 PRF0157832 PRF0157833 PRF0157834 PRF0157835 PRF0157837 PRF0157838 PRF0157839 PRF0157840 PRF0164185 PRF0168101 PRF0168109
- 12NC
- 208014253208 208018904419 208073361001 208202104401 208202104402 208202104403 208202104404 208202104405 208202104406 208202104407 208202104408 208202104409 208202104410 208202104411 208202104412 208202104413 208202146901 208202146902 208202146903 208202146904 208202146905 208202146906 208202146907 208202146908 208202153201 208202153203 208202161301 208202161302 208202162001 55311126A 55311129/1 208221246603 208202162005 208202163802 208242404402 208242404403 208242404404 208242404405 208242404407 208242404408 208242404409 208242404410 208242404411 208242404412 208242404413 208242404414 208242404415 208242446601 208242446602 208242446605 208242446606 208242446607 208242446608 208242446609 208242446610 208242446611 208242446612 208242446613 208242446614 208242446615 208242446616 208242446617 208242446618 208242446619 208242446621 208242446622 208242446624 208242446625 208242446626 208242446627 208242446628 208242453201 208242453203 208242453204 208242453205 208242461001 208242461002 208242461101 208242461102 208242463802 208242463803 208242463804 208242463805 208242463806 208242463807 208242463808 208242463809 208242463810 208242463811 208242463812 208242463813 208294053201 208294053202 208294053203 208294053204 208294053205 208294053206 208294063801 208294063802 208294063803 208294063804 208294063805 208294063806 208298704401 208298904401 208298904402 208305561101 208305561102 208305561103 208305561104 208341363801 208341363802 208341363803 208341363804 208341363805 208341363806 208341404401 208341404402 208341404403 208341404404 208341404405 208341404406 208341504401 208341504402 208341504403 208341504404 208341504405 208341504406 208341504407 208341504408 208341604401 208341604402 208341604403 208341604404 208341704401 208341704402 208341704403 208341704404 208341904401 208346204422 208346204423 208346204424 208346204425 208346204427 208346204429 208346204431 208346204432 208346204433 208346204434 208346204435 208346204436 208346204437 208346204438 208346204439 208346204454 208346204455 208346204456 208346204457 208346204458 208346204459 208355404498 208355404499 208355404500 208355404580 208355404581 208355404694 208355404695 208355404696 208355404697 208355404770 208355404771 208355404772 208355404838 208355404856 208355404857 208355404858 208355404859 208355404962 208355404963 208355404964 208355404965 208355404966 208355404967 208355404968 208355404969 208355404970 208355404971 208355404972 208355405056 208355405057 208355405058 208355405059 208355405134 208355405135 208355405136 208355405138 208355405139 208355405140 208355405141 208355405142 208355405143 208355405144 208355405145 208355405250 208355405251 208355405252 208355405294 208355405296 208355405297 208355405298 208355405299 208355405300 208355405301 208355405317 208355405318 208355405319 208355405320 208355405321 208355405322 208355405386 208355405387 208355405388 208355405389 208355405390 208355405391 208355405392 208355405393 208355405394 208355405395 208355405396 208355405397 208355405398 208355405399 208355405400 208355405401 208355405402 208355405414 208355405415 208355405420 208355405421 208355405436 208355405454 208355405455 208355405456 208355405478 208355405479 208355405480 208355405516 208355405517 208355405553 208355405554 208355405555 208355405556 208355405567 208355405568 208355405569 208355405570 208355405571 208355405617 208355405618 208355405620 208355405621 208355405622 208355405623 208355405624 208355405625 208355405626 208355405627 208355405723 208355405724 208355405726 208355405727 208355405728 208355405729 208355405730 208355405731 208355405732 208355405733 208355405866 208355405966 208355405967 208346204446 208346204406 208346204411
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