• -30%

Charcoal filter mod57 - KIT0161388

Dimension Value
Diameter 180 mm
Height 38 mm
€34.86 Save 30%

Disposable Carbon Filter

Regular maintenance of the hood is essential to ensure that kitchen air remains fresh and clean at all times. The KIT0161388 filter, specifically designed by Elica, represents excellence in this field. Here's why:

  • Optimal Performance: The original Elica carbon filter has been meticulously tested and designed to deliver the highest performance in terms of air purification.
  • Energy Efficiency: Timely and regular replacement of the filter not only ensures the perfect functioning of the hood but also contributes to better energy efficiency and high performance.
  • Durability and Quality: Elica recommends replacing the filters every 3-4 months. This ensures a long life for your hood and consistently clean air in your kitchen. Moreover, it's essential to check that the replacement filter is an original Elica product to maintain such standards.
  • Filter Configuration: If your hood operates in recycling mode, regular replacement of the carbon filter is indispensable. Each filter is designed to maximize the capacity to purify the air.
  • Quantity and Convenience: Each Elica package includes 2 carbon filters, thus ensuring extended coverage and immediate availability when it's time to replace them.

Ensuring constant maintenance and the use of original filters is the secret to an efficient hood and an ideal kitchen atmosphere. Never underestimate the importance of a quality carbon filter for your hood!

Long Life Filters for Extended Durability: If you're looking for a long-term solution that allows you to forget about frequent replacements, the Long Life Filter   CFC0162221 is the right choice for you. This filter, unlike many others on the market, lasts for a full 3 years. It's an ideal choice for those who want to invest in a quality product that doesn't require frequent maintenance.

Economical Option with the Savings Pack: If your main goal is to save money, the Savings Pack might be the solution for you. This package offers you annual coverage since the filter needs to be changed every 3-4 months. It's the ideal option for those who want to ensure clean air without spending too much.

Guide to Filter Installation: Installing a new filter has never been easier. Follow the enclosed instructions to ensure a safe and effective installation. If you have any doubts or questions, do not hesitate to contact us or consult the provided instruction manual.

Whether you're looking for a long-term solution or an economical option, we have the perfect filter for you. Invest in the quality of the air you breathe. Explore our options and find the right one for your needs.

This product replaces part numbers CFC0038668, CFC0068614, CFC0094446, CFC0100636, CFC0111926, CFC0125959, CFC0132603, CFC0133809, CFC0133814, CFC0140343.

Filter mounting instructions 

Data sheet

208355406830 208355406831 208355406832 208355406833 208355406835 208355406820 208355406821 208355406822 208345204406 208355406994 208355406989 20835540691 208355406537 208355406408 208355406460 208355406461 208347504402 208355406407 208355405704 208355405705 208355405891 208355405890 208355405708 208355405709 208355405706 208355405707 208355406060 208355406061 208355406062 208355406063 208355406409 208355406410 208355406394 208355406134 208355406395 208355406135 208355406396 208355406136 208355406312 208355406393 208355404569 208355404567 208355404570 208355404571 208355405994 208355405995 208355405996 208355405997 208355404681 208355404542 208355405907 208355404679 208355405908 208355404680 208355404541 208355404650 208355404564 208355404565 208355405503 208355405501 208355406562 208355406563 208355405807 208355406158 208355405785 208350304406 208350304402 208355406634 208355406636 208355406635 208355406637 208150404429 208150404423 208150404411 208150404430 208150404424 208150404412 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