Information pursuant to art. 13 of European Regulation no. 679 dated 2016.
Underlying information relates to the processing of personal data for marketing and profiling purposes carried out at web site, which can be performed by Elica S.p.A., based in Via Ermanno Casoli no.2 - 60044 Fabriano (AN) – Italia, F.C. and .REG.. of Companies no. AN 00096570429 – SHARE CAPITAL . EURO 12.664.560 F.P. Telephone +39 0732 610 1, Fax +39 0732 610 249, email: (hereinafter referred to as “ELICA”) only upon receiving the Customer’s consensus . As far as the purchase of products made at web site is concerned, the related data collected could be be processed by Calicantus S.r.l. Via Abate Tommaso, 43 - 30020 Quarto d’Altino (Ve), Italia VAT no. IT 0375759027, REA VE335872 (hereinafter referred to as “CALICANTUS”), who will provide the relative information at the address herein specified. For this very reason, Elica will act as Controller of Data the Client shall have provided for marketing activities, while Calicantus will act as Controller of Data the Client shall have provided in order to enter agreement for the sale of products . Therefore, in accordance to legislation in force, we hereby provide you with some information related to the data processing activity carried out by Elica.
The Data Controller is ELICA.
The Data Protection Officer (pursuent to Article 37 of the the Privacy Regulation) can be contacted at the following email adress: (hereinafter "DPO"). An up-do-date list of data processors can be requested by either sending an email directly to the data controller email address:, or by contacting Elica at aforementioned addresses via registered letter with return receipt.
Processing of Personal Data shall be carried out for the following purposes:
a) Enable the Customer to receive direct marketing information , advertising materials, direct sales activities and market research activities , through both traditional and automated contact systems , including commercial or promotional communications to be sent via email or SMS ( text messages).
Data processing shall be carried out either on paper, or via electronic and IT tools , strictly in line with the aforementioned purposes, and shall be stored on IT tools, while implementing all organizational, physical and logical measures which are deemed necessary in order to guarantee the security of personal data .In particular, personal data shall be entered into a management system and software in order to send marketing communications via newsletters (in the event Customers have given their consensus to data processing for marketing purposes).
Consensus given on the processing of personal data for the purposes specified in section 3.a (marketing) shall be optional ; any eventual rejection may result in the impossibility to perform any marketing activity with the Customer.
Personal data may be disclosed to our employees and collaborators , who in their capacity as persons in charge of and/or responsible for data processing, are authorized to process said data in order to pursue all the purposes set forth in the afore-going information.
Personal Data shall likely be processed by staff in the following company departments: : Information Technology Dept, Marketing Dept , who will be entitled to process data in their capacity as persons in charge of data processing.
Personal Data not be transferred and processed even outside the European Union. Personal data shall not be disclosed or disseminated to unspecified third parties .
Pursuant articles 15,16,17,18,20,21 of the Privacy Regulation, the person concerned holds the right to receive confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning himself/herself, even though they have not been registered yet, and the communication of such data in any intelligible form. The person concerned has the right to receive information on:
- the origin/source of his/her personal data;
- the purposes of data processing;
- the criteria behind the processing should said processing have been carried out with the use of electronic instruments/tools;
- the I.D. information concerning the data controller, the authorised persons in charge and the designated representative pursuant to article 5, sub-paragraph 2 of the Italian Privacy Code;
- the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated to or whoever may have access to such data as designated representatives in the State territory, or people authorised or entrusted with the task
The person concerned has the right to receive:
- updates, amendments, or completion of data, whenever he/she may deem it necessary ;
- the cancellation, transformation into an anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including data that does not need to be stored in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected and subsequently processed;
- the certification that the operations as with reference to point a) and b) have been notified, as well as the contents therein specified, to those to whom the data has been communicated or disclosed, except for in the event where such fulfillment proves to be impossible or entails the implementation of means evidently disproportionate to the protected right.
The person concerned holds the right to oppose, in whole or in part:
- for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning himself/herself, even if connected to the gathering of such data;
- to the processing of personal data concerning himself/herself for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communications.
Furthermore , Elica hereby specifies that the person concerned holds the right to reject the processing of their personal data for marketing purposes performed through automatic contact systems shall also apply to traditional contact systems, without prejudice to the possibility for the person concerned to exercise the afore-mentioned right in part, by rejecting only the dispatch of promotional communications performed via automatic tools , or only to the dispatch of promotional communications performed via traditional means.
The aforementioned rights may be exercised by request without formalities, also through a designated person, by means of a request to be forwarded directly to the data controller by sending a communication by registered mail to be forwarded to the Elica addresses specified in point 1) and 2), or at the following email address:
The form for the exercise of the rights is available at the following email address:
Furthermore , Elica hereby specifies that , if the Customer is registered , he/she shall find a specific panel/flag available inside web site , which enables the Customer to revoke previously given consensus and which will enable him/her to manage their own privacy settings .
Personal data processing policy.
(Articles 13 and 14 of EUROPEAN REGULATION NO. 679/2016)
The following policy is addressed to all subjects who visit and interact with this e-commerce website of Elica S.p.A., the so-called web store, (“e-shop”), where users can make on-line purchases of products by Elica S.p.A. The website is owned by Elica S,p.A, while Calicantus S.r.l, company based in Quarto d'Altino (VE), Via L. Mazzon no. 28/30, is in charge of the management of sales and transactions made on the Online Shop, e.g. orders management, sale and delivery of products via express courier, management of returns and of other connected activities, necessary to the sale of our products on the online shop.
Dear User,
In order to carry out the activities related to the sale of products via the e-shop, the company ‘Calicantus S.r.l.’ processes, in its capacity as Data Controller and pursuant to art. 13 and 14 of the Regulation on Privacy no. 679/2016 (hereinafter referred to as “ EU Regulation ), users’ personal data such as: name and surname, place of residence and information concerning payments.
Any data (personal info, address, contact data) necessary to perform purchases on the website, will be communicated by Elica S.p.A. to Calicantus Srl , provider of this policy, which is pursuant to current laws and regulations in force.
1. Object of Processing
The Data Controller is Calicantus S.r.L, who hereby informs you that personal data identification (e.g. name, surname, company name, address, telephone, e-mail, bank and/or payment references and details, etc.), hereinafter referred to as “ personal data ” or more simply “data”, referring to you, might be processed in full compliance with the EU Regulation. The Data Controller performs processing lawfully and according to law, specifically for the fulfillment of a contract, requested by you and where you act as a party. (art. no. 6 of the EU Regulation).
Data Processing means any operation or set of operations regarding collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, elaboration/processing, modification selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination and destruction of data.
2. Legal references and Purposes of Processing
Calicantus S.r.l, in its capacity as Ecommerce Partner of Elica S.p.A , is authorized to process data, in order to finalize the purchasing process.
Legal reference: EU Regulation no. 679/2016
A) without your express consent (art. 6 lett. b), c), e) of the EU Regulation ), for the following Purposes:
- in order to manage the on-line purchase of products ( and after-sales accessory services ), and the fulfillment of the purchase contract via the e-shop;
- fulfill any contractual and fiscal /tax obligations arising from existing relationships with you;
- maintain and manage your account;
- store data and information on your account such as, including but not limited to, your personal data, records of your orders and returns, if any, your preferred delivery and/or billing addresses;
- permit adding products to cart, to fulfill the purchase contract via the e-shop.
- fulfill any obligation deriving from the purchase contract entered into through the e-shop such as, and including but not limited to, the delivery of products sold;
- to allow fulfillment of obligations on your part, deriving from the purchase contract entered into through the e-shop, such as, and including but not limited to, payment, even on line, of products purchased;
- for generic technical assistance and customer care activities and, hence in order to reply to users’ enquiries or to follow up on complaints, reports and claims;
- fulfill any obligations set forth by the law, regulations, European Community norms and standards, or deriving form an order/obligation of the Authority ( as in the case of anti-money laundering matters);
- exercise the Data Controller’s rights , e.g. right to legal defense in Court;
- to keep general accounting;
- for administrative purposes (billing, document management, etc.);
- for credit management;
- for statistical and quality control analysis;
- for insurance management;
3. Methods of processing
Processing of your own personal data is carried out though the activities mentioned in art . 4 no. 2) of the EU Regulation, specifically: collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use and communication via transmission, dissemination or made available otherwise, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction and blocking of data. Our personal data is processed both via paper means and electronically and/or by automated tools (in any case suitable to ensure security and confidentiality of data).
4. Data and other information storage time
The Data controller shall process personal data only for the time necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes, and in any case not longer than the time required by law, as from the termination of the relationship for the purposes pursuant to the existing relationship.
A periodic verification, on a yearly basis, shall be performed on data processed and on the possibility to delete it if deemed no longer necessary for related purposes.
5. Access to data
Your personal data can be made available and accessible, for the purposes mentioned in point 2.A) above, to:
- partners, employees and collaborators of the Data Controller based in Italy and abroad, as in-company personnel authorized and/or in charge of processing and/or system administrators;
- third party companies or other subjects carrying out outsourcing activities on behalf of the Data Controller, in their role of external processing manager.
Data collected and processed can also be communicated, both in Italy and abroad, to suppliers, transporters, forwarding agencies and customhouse agents). The detailed list of these subjects is available at our head office for consultation.
6. Data Communication
Without the need of express consent (art. 6 lett. b) and c) of the EU Regulation, the Data Controller can communicate your data for the purposes mentioned in point 2.A) a above, to supervisory bodies, civil courts, insurance companies for the provision of insurance services, as well as those subjects to whom your data shall be mandatorily communicated by law for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes.
These subjects shall process your data in their capacity as autonomous data controllers. Your data shall not be disclosed.
7. Transfer of data
Personal data is stored on devices found at the Data Controller’s head-offices or at the provider’s, within the European Union. It is, in any case, understood that the Data Controller, whenever necessary, shall be entitled to move data to extra –EU countries. In such a case, the Data Controller ensures that data transfer to extra EU countries will be performed in compliance with the provisions set forth by applicable laws and regulations, upon stipulation of contractual clauses and standard verifications prescribed by the European Community.
As far as data stored on its own devices and data found at a provider’s, is concerned, the Data Controller has implemented suitable technical and organizational measures for ensuring the necessary security level, in full compliance with the requirements specified in art. 32 of the EU Regulation.
8. Nature of the Conferment of Data and consequences in case of refusal to answer
Conferment of data for the purposes mentioned in point 2.A) above is mandatory . If you do not provide your personal data, we can not assure the provision of the Services, as mentioned in point 2.A) (for example, failure to communicate personal data will entail, therefore, the impossibility for users to conclude the contract and then to purchase products via e-shop).
9. Rights of the person concerned
Pursuant articles 15,16,17,18,20,21 of the Privacy Regulation, the person concerned holds the right to receive confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning himself/herself, even though they have not been registered yet, and the communication of such data in any intelligible form. The person concerned has the right to receive information on:
the origin/source of his/her personal data;
the purposes of data processing;
the criteria behind the processing should said processing have been carried out with the use of electronic instruments/tools;
the I.D. information concerning the data controller, the authorised persons in charge and the designated representative pursuant to article 5, sub-paragraph 2 of the Italian Privacy Code;
the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated to or whoever may have access to such data as designated representatives in the State territory, or people authorised or entrusted with the task
The person concerned has the right to receive:
updates, amendments, or completion of data, whenever he/she may deem it necessary ;
the cancellation, transformation into an anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including data that does not need to be stored in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected and subsequently processed;
the certification that the operations as with reference to point a) and b) have been notified, as well as the contents therein specified, to those to whom the data has been communicated or disclosed, except for in the event where such fulfillment proves to be impossible or entails the implementation of means evidently disproportionate to the protected right.
The person concerned holds the right to oppose, in whole or in part:
for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning himself/herself, even if connected to the gathering of such data;
to the processing of personal data concerning himself/herself for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communications.
The form for the exercise of the rights is available on the website of the Italian Data Protection Authority, at the following email address:
10. How to exercise your rights
You are entitled to exercise your rights at any moment, by sending:
- a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to : Calicantus Srl, Via L. Mazzon 30, 30020 Quarto D’Altino (Venezia)
- an e-mail to the address :
11. Minors
The Data Controller’s services, which are the object of the relationship with you, do not entail intentional collection of personal information related to minors. In the event that information on minors was unintentionally recorded, the Data Controller shall delete it immediately, upon the subject concerned’s request.
12. Data Controller and Data Processors
Below is some important and useful information that we must bring to your attention, not only to fulfill law obligations, but also because transparency and fairness towards our clientele is a fundamental part of our business.
Data Processor the data processor of your personal data is Calicantus srl on whose behalf, Dr. Matteo Comin has signing authority, who is responsible for the correct and lawful use of your personal data. You may contact him for any information or request you may need at: phone number +39 0422 782890, e-mail:
Subjects Authorized to Data Processing The updated list of subjects authorized to data processing is found at the data Controller’s head-offices.